






How could I apply for the job of digital composer?! Wait for the official announcement or I can apply any time?!
How did you do apply for it?! Any advice?!
How to prepare my portfolio content for digital composer?!
What about being a generalist?! Which software’s you need to be familiar with?!
If I am invited for the interview – what will happen there!? What they expect?!
What you start with - like first task to do, like green screen keying or rotopaint, etc?
My first day – what to expect?!
Wayne Chan - composer in ILM :
Stefan Tasev 10:37 AM
Hi Wayne, Hope you doing well! May I ask you couple of questions, if /when/ you have time?
Wayne Chan sent the following message at 1:29 PMView Wayne’s profile
Wayne Chan 1:29 PM
Sure thing
Stefan Tasev sent the following message at 3:30 PMView Stefan’s profile
Stefan Tasev 3:30 PM
Thank you! I ll put them all together. I am start looking for a job as a composer and prepare my portfolio at the moment. Any advise on Its content?! How long to be, etc? What are the first tasks when you start as a composer - rotoscoping, keying, or depends of the production?! What about being a generalist?! Which software’s you need to be familiar with? Thanks for your time!
Wayne Chan sent the following message at 5:14 PMView Wayne’s profile
Wayne Chan 5:14 PM
Hi, Showreel wise i think its best to keep it under 2 minutes. Put your best work at the start. If you're applying for compositing jobs best to focus your reel on that; don't focus too much on your 3D skills. A quick breakdown or before and after your comp work is a plus. Also i'd focus on original ideas of yours rather than doing stuff like Marvel/Star wars related. That stuff doesn't attract the comp supervisors (who will be screening your reel before passing on to recruiters). Also dont be afraid to use 2D elements/footages shot from a camera. The most important thing is your comp looks integrated and convincing. It doesnt have to be big flashy 3D/FX stuff. I'd argue you can probably do a shot just using 2D elements and a bunch of projections inside Nuke (provided you have a decent camera track to work with). Sign up to FXPHD if you can as a lot of courses will provide you with footages and even a tracked camera. For larger studios you tend not to have to do your own roto. That usually get assigned to roto/paint artists (or even outsourced to other studios). But sometimes you're expected to do some quick roto if the roto team are too busy. Otherwise I guess keying is first thing to do before you layer in the background. Some times youre asked to do some slap comp; so a rough key would suffice. Then you can come back and finesse the key for the final comp later down the line. I'm not too informed with the generalist department (also different studios classified generalist differently). Generally if you take that route I think Maya is still the preferred software. I think Clarrise are also used to do environmental stuff (setting up the scene and rendering in Clarrise). I think a lot of studio also uses some sort of tree/terrain generating software but I can't quite remember the software name. Zbrush for modelling (some places uses mudbox too but not as common) and for rendering; different facilities uses different things - PrMan, Vray, Arnold and even Clarrise. If you graduated recently I highly recommend apply to all the internship programme out there. They give you a proper kick start to your career. Most large facilities does them. Unfortunately a lot of jobs relies on industry experience, and doing a internship will help you get over that. Also I believe most internships are paid, not a lot but its definitely a plus. If youre ok with relocating, Montreal are always looking for artists, even juniors. So applying for Jobs/Internship in Montreal is also a good idea. Hope that helps, good luck
Stefan Tasev sent the following messages at 5:23 PMView Stefan’s profile
Stefan Tasev 5:23 PM
Thank you very much!!! Thx!!!
Wayne Chan sent the following message at 5:31 PMView Wayne’s profile
Wayne Chan 5:31 PM
No probs
Daffy Hristova - generalist in ILM :
Stefan Tasev 12:36 PM
Hi Daffy ,may I have a word with you?1
Daffy Hristova sent the following message at 6:02 PMView Daffy’s profile
Daffy Hristova 6:02 PM
Разбира се
Stefan Tasev sent the following messages at 6:07 PMView Stefan’s profile
Stefan Tasev 6:07 PM
Хей Дафи, привет :)
Stefan Tasev 6:20 PM
Няколко въпроса наведнъж, да ги погледнеш, когато ти е възможно и удобно. - Как да кандидатствам за работа като comper?! Трябва ли да чакам официално обявена позиция или мога и междувременно?! Какво се случва ако съм поканен на интервю?! И най голямото ми притеснение, имам доста опит в България като режисьор, монтаж, композитинг и.т.н. но нямам никакъв тук. Аз съм на 46 г. което ще е проблем да започна като runner предполагам, а да започна без експириенс от тук директно работа, дали е възможно?! И последно подготвям портфолио в момента, дали може да го погледнеш като е готово (предполагам до края на седмицата ще е) и да кажеш какво мислиш, моля!
Daffy Hristova sent the following message at 10:58 PMView Daffy’s profile
Daffy Hristova 10:58 PM
Здрасти ,
* За кандидатстване аз лично никога не чакам да изкочи оферта. Редовно следя LinkedIn не само за оферти, но и за това какво студиата рекламират и какво проекти навлизат. Обикновенно по това мога да предвидя дали ще имат нужда от хора. Бих ти препоръчала да си пуснеш официално в сайтовете на фирмите, но оделно аз винаги се свързвам пряко с рекруитърите и понякога с шефовете на департамента. Комуникацията с тях е винаги от полза, защото могат да те посъветват от какво имат нужда и върху какво да наблегнеш. * Обикновенно , за да те поканят на интервю, значи вече са удобрили уменията ти и портфолиото и искат да се запознаят с теб и да видят какъв характер си и дали ще си паднеш с екипа, както и да преценят дали се работи лесно и приятно с теб. Всички интервюта са адски приятелски настроени и няма нужда от притеснение. Аз лично обожавам да ходя и да си бъбря с хората. Винаги се получават много естествени и забавни разговори. Може да те разпитат за уменията ти и как би се справиш в дадена ситуация. Има много сайтове , пълни със съвети за как да се подготвиш за интервю. Винаги е в предимство да ги прегледаш.
* това че имаш опит в бг си е предимство , защото ще имаш много по сериозен и професионален подход към дадена ситуация. Но трябва да си подготвен, че ще си на джуниър позиция в началото. Което като доход не е много достатъчно , а и както казахме на срещата с вас , рядко студенти започват направо в комп. Обикновенно има транзакция от рото-пайнт към комп. Но винаги има изключения. Предполагам че ако имаш силен шоурийл би успял да поличиш мечатаната позиция. ТВ обикновенно дава повече шанс на студенти отколкото филм и MPC е студиото , което наема най- много студенти.
* Относно шоурийл , д удоволствие ще го погледна , но аз съм 3Д и не мисля, че ще съм то много полезна със съвети откъм 2Д. Успех! 😊
Stefan Tasev 12:36 PM
Hi Daffy ,may I have a word with you?1
Daffy Hristova sent the following message at 6:02 PMView Daffy’s profile
Daffy Hristova 6:02 PM
Stefan Tasev sent the following messages at 6:07 PMView Stefan’s profile
Stefan Tasev 6:07 PM
Hi Daffy :)
Stefan Tasev 6:20 PM
I ll put couple of questions all together, have a look at them whenever is possible.
How do I apply for a job as a comper ?!
Do I have to wait for an officially announced position or can do it in the meantime ?! What happens if I'm invited to an interview ?!
And my biggest concern is that I have a lot of experience in Bulgaria as a director, editor, composer, etc. but I have none here. I am 46 years old which will be a problem to start as a runner I suppose, and to start without experience here from work directly, is it possible ?! And last, I'm preparing a portfolio right 0now, can you look it over (I guess by the end of the week it will be) and say what you think, please!
Daffy Hristova sent the following message at 10:58 PMView Daffy’s profile
Daffy Hristova 10:58 PM
* For an application, I personally never wait for an offer to go up. I regularly monitor LinkedIn not only for offers, but also for what studios advertise and what projects go into. Usually on this I can predict if they will need people. I would recommend that you officially go to the company sites, I always contact directly with the recruiter and sometimes the department heads. Communicating with them is always helpful because they can advise you on what they need and on what to emphasize. Usually, to be invited to an interview, they have already mastered your skills and portfolio and want to get acquainted with you and see your communicative skills, will you "fit" with the team, your capability working in team, even your sense of humor. People are very friendly on the interviews, no need to worry. Me personally, I love to go out and chat with people. There are always many natural and fun conversations. They may ask you about your skills and how you would handle a situation. There are many sites full of tips on how to prepare for an interview. It's always a good idea to review them.
* it is an advantage to have experience in Bulgaria because you will have a much more serious and professional approach to a situation. But you must be prepared to be in the junior position at the beginning. Which is not enough income, and as we said at the meeting with you, rarely do students start straight into a comp. Usually, you start with rotopaint and then move to a comper. But there are always exceptions. I suppose if you had a strong showreel you would be able to start as a comper. TV usually gives students more chances than film and MPC is the studio that hires the most students.
* Regarding show show, we ll be pleasure to look at it, but I'm 3D and I don't think I'll be very helpful with 2D tips. Good luck!

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